martes, 23 de enero de 2018

Décimo Cuarta entrada: El crossover: Part I

It was midnight in some part of L.A.
- Well, some interesting things can be spotted from a second floor - He said while he was holding a beer an watching his daughter saying bye to her date...
- What are you doing? Hank I can´t believe it. You are actually spying our daughter-
She said.
- I am not, woman. You know I have always loved the fresh air of the sea hitting my face at midnight and I have been always respectful about our daughter's love life -
- You are full of shit - She said getting closer to his chest.
- Al tough, I gotta admit, our daughter has terrible tasting on man- She now took his beer and Hank watching at her eyes replied...
- I will love to hear you saying that at loud to our daughter- He said getting her more closer between is arms
- Aint going to do that, you are like the worst dad ever, you can always do those kind of things and will be free of any charge, cuz you know... that is like your thing... the things you do...
- I think I'm feeling offended and ... kind of hard... is hard to say. Hey! Becka! Becka!
The daughter was in the middle of a sweet kiss with her date when the father started to scream ...
With a disgraceful look she ran away...
- And now she is mad...
- See, I had a point... - She said smiling and walking inside to find their furious daughter.
He stayed instead, looking at the sea and the people that were crowding the street feeding the night like every other night.
Notice: He was running out of beer so he went to the kitchen and the encounter was inevitable.
- You didn't have the right to do that! - Becka said full of rage.
- Becka I'm your father I can be both stupid and totally idiotic about seeing you kissing some random guy that we didn't even know... but that is only because I love you so much.- He said getting closer to her but she put the kitchen-table between them.
- You didn't have the right to do that... father - So, the pause..
And when He was about to start screaming.
- Ok enough you two... Hank is your daughter she is a young lady now and she can have friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, anything she wants and you can't avoid that.
- Actually I have always been on the side of the women for our little girl... those creatures called man are a disgraceful for our society- He said with his pretentious tone.
- And you little girl - She continued - And I don't think is appropriate to kiss someone on the first date.
- Yeah, like you two waited sooo long to kiss or have sex when you first met right? -
- Becka! You can not talk to us like that!
- She has a point though - He said
- You are not helping Hank!, Becka! - But it was late, she went to her room.
- She will be find and as we have some more time ... - He took her in his arms and kiss her profusely suggesting to do things shouldn't have  be done in the kitchen, or that is what moralist people think.
- Stop it! I have to get up early tomorrow and you are drunk! Not sexy Hank, not sexy...
- Wait whaat? You've always liked my drinking issues and my handsomeness that's why we work really well... oh yea,,, and the sex.-
- I can hear you guys... tiny walls... - Becka said and with a smile in her face Karen went running to the bedroom and Hank did the same.
- Beckaa! Cover your ears we are about to have the craziest and passionate sex we have ever done and it will be right here... It will be like making you but like 2.O or some sort off ... So you can bring the camera now.
- Are you out of your mind! stop it. She had to deal with so much today and you have to do your stupid jokes?
- What? I ain't joking lady ... -
- Enough of this, is your last chance or you will be sleeping at Charlies or better yet in your porsche.
- Oww... No can't do lady... going right behind you...

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